Your River Heights dentist, Dr. Shoby Sivanathan, never grew up expecting to be a dentist. Learn about how she became became a dentist below.
As a child, if someone ever asked me, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” never would I have said dentist.
I never thought it seemed as exciting compared to a police officer, pilot or even a teacher. However, as I was going to be an aimless university student at the University of Manitoba, I agreed to attend an information session on dentistry. This was the best decision I could have made. Everything the presenter talked about seemed to fit in with what I would imagine doing as a profession, and something clicked!
I have since been practicing since 2002 and moved to Academy Dental Group after a few years in Ontario.
I think about my experience as a child. As a daughter of hardworking immigrant parents, we were not exposed to the idea of early childhood dental appointments. My first experience at the dentist came when I was about eight, and I was, unfortunately, diagnosed with quite a few cavities. It could also be attributed to the orange soda treat I would get on the way home. Week after week, I actually enjoyed getting my teeth fixed, and my father took time off work to take me to appointments.
Week after week, I was reminded about the importance of oral health. It still resonates with me today!
As a dentist, it is rewarding to be able to address an individual’s concerns, whether it is pain, or changing the way something appears in your smile. It is a reminder for me of how people have the ability to make someone else's life better. In addition, working with my hands with changing materials and technology is fun! There is so much advancement around the corner, so it is an exciting time to be a dentist!
Now when I ask a child patient,” What do you want to be when you grow up?” I always remind them that dentistry is exciting too!